Hebrews 1:13-14
“but to whom of the angels said he at any time, sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thine footstool? Are they not ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” The Bible says, to which of the angels did God ever say, sit at my right hand? He was comparing that scripture about the man Christ. And he said he has made his angels winds and his servants flames of fire. But when he gets to Christ, he said, “Thy throne, O God, is forever.” It comes down and says, to which of the angels did God ever say, sit at my right hand? It continues by saying, are angels not ministering spirits sent to minister to those who will be heirs of salvation?

Now, the word “minister” means diakonos, which is taken from the word deacon, and is talking about a servant, somebody who renders service. The Bible says angels are ministering spirits; in other words, deacons, they are servants sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.

When God created the world, this was a class of spirit; God is the supreme spirit uncreated; nobody created Him. He is God all by Himself, and the Bible calls Him the Father of spirits, or the source of all spirits. The second class of spirits was man. This is because angels are spirits but not created in the image and likeness of God. Man is the only corporal spirit that has a soul but lives in a body. Now, the last class of spirits are demon spirits.

So, the first spirit is God, the second man, the third angels, and the fourth demons. Now, when man fell, man came to the last position, making it now in this order: first God, second angels, third demons, and fourth man. When the blood was shed, man was restored to the second position: first God, second man, third angels, and last demon spirits. So that was the reclassification.

In Psalms 8:3 it says, “Who is man that Thou art mindful of him? Mortal man that Thou carest for? For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and Thou hast crowned him.” When man fell, he went lower than the angels, but when the blood was shed, he was restored. We are the apples of God’s eye. In Psalms 82:6 it says, “and I have said you are gods.” I am laying a foundation here; I am trying to show you who you are as a child of God.

In Psalms 82:1 it says, “God sits in the congregation of the righteous; He judges amongst gods.” What was He talking about? A conference where you and I are seated as gods and Papa God is residing in this conference. God is sitting on the throne where His children—I mean all of us—are sitting, and the Bible says He judges amongst the gods. Now you are in that meeting; He says, “Defend the poor and the oppressed.” Who is He talking to? You. How do you defend the poor and the oppressed? I will show you before the end of this message.

He says, “Defend the oppressed, bring them out from the hand of the wicked.” He is saying that is the assignment a born-again believer has. Because you are ignorant, you don’t know that you are a god; because you don’t know who you are, the earth has missed its course. The moon was to shine to give vitamin D. Psalms 91 says the sun shall not smite you, nor the moon by night, which means while the sun is shining at some people, to some people it is smiting them. Why? Because believers sat quiet; occultists went to the sun and made incantations against this person or that person, and they are afflicting these lives while believers are sitting quiet and thanking God for sleeping like logs of wood.

Listen, not this generation, not when the Lord has anointed me to set the captives free, to break the chains of darkness. Decide to set the captives free today! Tell yourselves, I shall not watch my neighbor go through an operation again while I am in this compound. I delivered a boy who was possessed by the queen of the Indian Ocean. He stayed two years out of planet Earth; he had killed, he had done horrible things, he had lived two years underwater. They sent him to come and attack me; unfortunately for the devil, we seized him out of his hands.

This is one of the stories he told me: he said one time he wanted to kill a girl. The girl was traveling to Nigeria through Ekondotiti. He said he went to the Kake bridge, that small bridge after Port Harcourt, broke a tree there inside the bush, and entered inside, waiting for the girls there. I asked what he did; he said he took a robe and sent it into that water so that as the tires of the car entered in between that robe, they would see that robe as the highway. So, unfortunately for him, while the car was descending that Port Harcourt hill, he saw light coming from that car and knew that a believer was in that car. He said while the car came closer to that rope, it bounced back, and that was how the mission was aborted.

Then I asked myself, what about that tree that this boy entered inside? In Romans 8:19 it says even creation is groaning. Even that tree is feeling uncomfortable; that tree is crying, saying, “I need somebody to deliver me! I need somebody to deliver me!” But believers are quiet. For some believers, instead of casting out that demon from that tree, you start cutting down the tree. If you cut down all the trees, you are causing destruction to the ecosystem. Look at that devil in that tree and say, “Devil, get out of this tree!”

The Bible says because of your ignorance, the earth is out of course. And then it still says, “You are gods, and all of you are the sons of the Most High God.” I wanted to show you why angels are sent to serve you. Do you now understand? When somebody calls you a frustrated born-again, square up your shoulders and catwalk. Say, “It is a privilege to have angels on my side.” Some of you do not know who you are.

The Bible says the rich man died and was buried; Lazarus died, and angels came. Angels can take human bodies sometimes (Genesis 18:2). Angels are in hierarchy, and they differ in functions. There are cherubim, there are seraphim, there are archangels; Michael is an archangel, Gabriel is an archangel. Now they differ in functions and in hierarchy. Angels are in companies or groups. When it comes to function, angels have different functions; they are in companies. That’s why the Bible says you have come to Mount Zion, the company of angels.panies. That’s why the bible says you have come to mount Zion, the company of angels.

Grace Faith Mission

At GRAFAM, we are on a divine mission to reach the world with the message of Grace and Faith, transforming lives and raising a generation empowered by the Holy Spirit. Rooted in a divine vision, we believe in the power of God’s grace to turn lives around – from ashes to beauty, from weakness to strength and from zeros to heroes.

The Name of JESUS!

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