Angels P.2: Hierarchy and Functions of Angels

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Angels are in hierarchy, and they differ in functions. There are cherubim, there are seraphim, there are archangels. Michael is an archangel; Gabriel is an archangel. Now, they differ in functions and in hierarchy. Angels are in companies or groups. When it comes to function, angels have different functions; they are in companies. That’s why the Bible says you have come to Mount Zion, the company of angels.

Information Angels

I call them prophecy angels. They give information. The Bible says while Daniel was praying, Gabriel appeared and told him information about the deportation of the children of Israel. Gabriel is an information angel; it was Gabriel who appeared to Mary and told her, “You will have a child; his name shall be Jesus.” It was Gabriel who told Zechariah at the temple that he shall have a son whose name shall be called John. Gabriel is in charge of information; he is the leader of all the angels in charge of information (2 Kings 1:3, 15).

    Healing Angels

    There are healing angels (John 5:4). What did the angel bring? Healing. There are angels who are in charge of healing and miracles. In my ministry, I am stronger—or should I say I find more grace—in healing than in the prophetic. I prophesy, but I find more grace or I find many angels of healing dispatched when I am ministering. By the grace of the Lord, in every meeting He led me to minister to the sick, there were outstanding testimonies; I give Him all the praise.

      I remember the testimony of a woman whose hip bone was injured, and then one leg was shorter than the other. She was carried into my meeting. I was ministering, I prayed for her, and she was carried back home in the same light. At midnight, she said a man appeared to her in white, pulled her leg, balanced it, and she said she got up from the dream and discovered the two legs were of equal length; the leg was healed.

      Now, these are some of the works of angels. I equally remember the case of a person in Edina who had stomach crises for seven years. When it started, she rolled on the ground. We ministered to her; she went back home, and a man appeared in her dream, opened her stomach, and told her, “I have removed what used to disturb you.” She got up and was healed.

      One time, we went for an anniversary in Yaoundé, and a girl heard someone call my name in the crowd. She was shocked and said, “Heh! Na Yi this, this is the man!” You know how some women can be; I felt like I should disappear. Then I said, “What did I do?” She said, “I have suffered from a growing mass in my stomach, taken all forms of medication, and it was not going. I have never known you or heard about you, but I had a dream that you appeared in my dream, sent your hand into my stomach, pulled out something, and I felt some heat. You told me your name is Pastor Clement.”

      When I got up from that dream, I said, “I don’t know any Pastor Clement.” So one time I was traveling with a friend, and she mentioned there is one Pastor Clement, but I have never seen you. So when I saw you, I remembered this was the face. Sometimes it may be God using human spirits, but other times He uses angels in the form of men. There are wonderful testimonies I can share about these angels; I don’t worship them, but I love them and respect them.

      Healing Angels

      They work outstanding miracles. I remember one girl came with appendicitis, and a doctor told her to come for surgery. She said she isn’t going in for surgery, so she came for fasting and prayers. We were just praying and rebuking diseases, praying generally; I did not lay hands. The next morning, while she was bathing, she discovered a surgical line on her stomach, and she wasn’t feeling pain. She ran and called a sister by the name Beltline and told her, “Come, oh! Who operated me by night?” So she ran, went to the hospital, and discovered that the appendicitis had disappeared. Angels carried out that operation.

        Warrior and Judgment Angels

        (1 Chronicles 21:15) It says that David numbered Israel, and God got angry and decided to punish the entire people by killing. One angel killed above seventy thousand people in a day. The Bible says he was killing and going up to Araunah’s section, to Mount Zion, and then David saw the angel. He said the angel’s feet were on the floor, but his head was reaching the sky. Baba Adeboye usually says many people often say, “I saw an angel,” and she says she doubts who they really saw because the day she saw one, she felt as if she were a dead man.

          Sometimes angels appear in a particular place. Sometimes, where an angel stands, the presence is stronger in that direction. Angels seem to feel free to speak with prophets. The Bible records that while David saw the angel and stood there crying, Araunah was standing, and Gad the prophet was standing. David saw the angel; the angel came to Gad the prophet and said, “Tell David to raise an altar and offer burnt sacrifices for this judgment to stop.” Why did the angel not talk to David? Information angels feel more comfortable talking to prophets (2 Kings 1). Angels are mostly by the side of prophets, mostly information angels. If you’re desiring the prophetic anointing, then you are saying you want to go along with some angels.

          Angels communicate the presence of God; they convey the presence of God. When an angel goes with a man, and the man stands somewhere, people feel the presence of God around that man. Sometimes people enter my vehicle and scream, “Jesus!” The presence is in the vehicle. Sometimes I shake hands with people and they start vibrating; I was just greeting. When an angel goes with you, and you enter into a place, some people will start feeling uncomfortable. Why? Because you came with a company of angels.

          How to Attract Angelic Assistance

          1. Quote the Word: Don’t say, “Angel Michael, I command you!” It won’t work. Psalms 103:20: The energy of angels is the prayer of the saints. When the word has no voice, angels don’t go into action. You see this book called the Bible; you can see them in marabou houses. As long as the written pages do not have a voice, it is powerless. That is why Joshua 1 says this book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth; it did not say from your hand. It says you shall meditate in it, meaning you should confess it, say it to yourself, quote it. The word of God has no power until it is declared. That is why the greatest deliverance is word deliverance.

            When I say it is written of Jesus how God anointed him who went around doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, and the scripture says at the mention of His name all demons bow, if there is a satanic case in front of me refusing to bow, when I quote the scripture, the angels around are energized, and the demon leaves. The energy of angels is the prayer of the saints. No prayer, they cannot operate. If you want to use angels against demons, live a prayer life; quote scriptures. Quoting the word is like sending them on errand. When you say, “By His stripes I am healed,” they pick healing and bring it. Their function is to obey the word that is coming from your mouth; no word, no obedience. Each time you find yourself in a situation and you say, “I cannot fear for the Lord is with me; what can man do to me?” you energize them to stand by you. When you say, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper,” immediately, they come forward. Do you want to put your angels to work? Then quote the word.

            When you meet a situation by night, say, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and He has anointed me to lose the captives. A thousand may fall on my right, ten thousand on my left, but they shall not come near me.”
          2. Speak the Angelic Language: (1 Corinthians 13:1) Angels have a language. If I come and greet you in the mother tongue, automatically your countenance changes; you will feel good, and the relationship immediately goes intimate. When you speak a live language, the reaction is positive. If I speak the language of angels, there is no way they will not always be around me because we speak the same language. That’s why nearly all my life, ninety-five percent of my prayer is in tongues; only five percent is in words, mostly when I am praying alone.

            I have left that level where I pray in tongues only for anointing. I can sit in my control room praying in tongues; I am controlling the world from my room. One thing to note is that you can never send them on errand without having them around you. I cannot carry the presence of God without carrying the entourage because no king goes out without an entourage. If you are baptized in the Holy Ghost, spend time speaking in the Holy Ghost. I do it in the bathroom; I am rubbing and praying, even inside the car. When the anointing increases, the acceleration increases.

            Even when I am going for a crusade or for ministry, I blast in tongues. One day I was going for a crusade; I was driving and speaking in tongues, and while I was going, I heard Him say in an audible voice, “As you are going, you will see a woman who has been afflicted with a certain pain for fourteen years; pray for that lady, she will be healed, and she will take in.” I preached and spoke the word; she went and calculated the date, and the next day she came and met me and said, “I am the one.” I laid my hands on her; she was healed, that yoke was broken, and she took in and carried her baby.
          3. The Law of Confession and Possession: If you can confess and say, “I am not poor; I am rich. The blessings of God rest on me; I am rich; I am not poor,” and the next day money comes, why don’t you also say, “The hand of the Lord is upon me; the angels of the Lord are working with me in the name of Jesus. I attract the angels of the Lord; they are working with me?”

            Now there’s the law of confession, conception, and possession. Anything you confess, even if you don’t believe it, you conceive. It sticks inside your mind, and when it sticks itself in your mind, it surely manifests. Let me give you an example: where you are, start confessing that you are sick of a headache. Keep saying it again and again and again; thirty minutes later, you might find yourself sick of a headache because whatever you confess, you conceive, and whatever you conceive, you possess.

          Now, when you want the presence of angels, take note: I’m not telling you things I have not practiced. I carry the presence of God; I speak in tongues, I quote the word, and I do proclamations like: “The Lord is with me; the hand of God is upon me; the angels of the Lord are with me; I cannot fear any evil; I am strong; I cannot be sick; I am healthy; I am victorious; I cannot fail; failure is not my portion.” I keep saying these things.

          One of the people angels fear to draw closer to are negative confessors; in fact, negative thinking experts, they run away from them. If you want to attract angels, be positive in your confessions; they will come by you. This year, any witch, any wizard that crosses my path with the intention of killing me dies by fire. That is my confession, and watch; they will go in their mass. In 2017, I told one of my pastors that I have taken permission from God and have apologized beforehand to be wicked. Any occultist, any witch, or wizard, I don’t have any good prayer for you except you want to repent. I will pray for you and deliver you, but if you have mapped anyone here, I don’t have good prayer for you.

          If you want to attract angels, conceive by confession. The law of expectation says you will receive whatever you are expecting. So if I am going for a meeting and I expect the angels to go with me, that’s why I am praying. One of the things to pray for is to receive the Holy Ghost so that you can pray in the language of angels. But take note that you can’t receive the Holy Ghost if you are not born again.

          Equally note that there are different levels of tongues. There are tongues of worship and tongues of war, and they vary in height, degrees, and intensity. That’s why I can speak in tongues and it removes a principality, but you speak in tongues and cannot remove an ordinary demon. That is because tongues vary in intensity.

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