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GRACE FAITH MISSION INTERNATIONAL (GRAFAM) is a commission founded by a strong divine direction to raise a people from ashes to beauty, from weakness to strength, from zero to hero and to raise an army for the Lord in view of the end-time battles.

Grace Faith Mission (GRAFAM) is called as an eye opener to the body of Christ; its mission is to reveal to the body of Christ by the mystery of the word, what place we have in Christ, our authority over sin, sickness and demons, and the power that lie within us.

We have a mandate to stir talents, fan spiritual gifts, and encourage graces useful for this end-time ministry. That is why we gather around young ministers still struggling with ministry, those who sense the call but lack direction, and those in need of coaches or mentors to their callings and impart their lives for power ministry. Any gifts and calling needs a garden for healthy growth. Harsh environments kill young promising gifts and talents. Thus GRAFAM is a gathering of champions.

GRAFAM is a home of miracles, the bound are set free, the sick are healed from all manner of diseases with medical proofs, the blind see, the lame walk, the dumb speak and the deaf hear, all to the glory of God. Here we minister to the sick and the bound with compassion at almost all hours.

Our Basic Doctrines

We believe as Trinitarians (three persons in one God) in the Apostles’ creed and doctrines.

  • We believe that Christ is the way and the only way to the Father. We can access the kingdom of God only by being born again. We also believe that holy living is a prerequisite to seeing God. Holy living should be appropriated by faith and also diligently pursued, without which, no one shall see the Lord
  • We believe in water baptism by immersion as the biblical pattern. This is required only after one is born again, and this baptism is done in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. We believe in the nine gifts of the Spirit and it is ours to operate in.
  • We believe in the power of prayer. We can boldly say that GRAFAM is a praying ministry or mission. We believe in the power of praise and worship as our assignment to God.
  • We believe that a believer who doesn’t cherish his salvation can lose it (Heb 6:4, 10:27-29). We don’t believe in the doctrine of eternal security (once saved, forever saved)
  • Music plays an important role in the vision of GRAFAM; thus we are developing a GRAFAM music industry where music talents can be given a platform.
  • We believe in spiritual warfare. It is our mandate to set the captives free, breaking curses and spells, satanic patterns and foundations that hinder people. Thus we cast out devils from people.

Our Core Values

  • We have core values that characterize our attitude and approach to things
  • Humility. We hold that, pride is deadly, and we cannot identify with the weak and the hurting when we are proud. We believe that all we have and are, are by the grace of God and so no room for pride. Through grace, we can sail through and humility is the only virtue that draws an abundance of grace.
  • Purity. We emphasize purity of heart, mind, and body. With purity, there is transparency; with honesty, there is integrity and no hypocrisy. We may not be faultless, but we can always acknowledge where we go wrong and make amends. We also believe that our inner purity shows in our outer appearance in words, dressing and actions.
  • We also value faith confession. We don’t talk small or talk unbelief; we speak faith and act faith. We confess the word of God at all times. We are hardly afraid to fail. Our faith confession is our daily capsule. It works in our lives.
  • GRAFAM is an apostolic ministry with a strong specificity on the teaching anointing. These teachings centre oftentimes on one’s relationship with God and one’s leadership development.

Grace Faith Mission

At GRAFAM, we are on a divine mission to reach the world with the message of Grace and Faith, transforming lives and raising a generation empowered by the Holy Spirit. Rooted in a divine vision, we believe in the power of God’s grace to turn lives around – from ashes to beauty, from weakness to strength and from zeros to heroes.

The Name of JESUS!

Where God Lives